The London Forum represents the views and interests of over 100 amenity and civic societies in London and their members on issues that are important for people who live and work in London. The Forum’s main focus is on Planning, Development Management, Heritage, Transport, Environment, Waterways and Open Spaces.

Our work includes:

  • taking part in meetings and consultations held by the Mayor of London, Transport for London, other London-wide bodies, and departments and agencies of national government;
  • submitting written responses to consultations;
  • monitoring and responding to, the Mayor’s policies and decisions;
  • taking part in Examinations in Public of Amendments to the Draft London Plan and some major public inquiries;
  • liaising with London Councils (representing the London Boroughs), the Association of London Borough Planning Officers and national amenity societies;
  • submitting oral and written evidence to scrutiny reviews held by the London Assembly and to relevant Parliamentary inquiries;
  • mounting campaigns on important issues;
  • encouraging member societies to lobby their own MP or Council where relevant.

We keep members up to date and explain the London Forum’s position and ways to support it through:

  • open meetings with expert speakers;
  • e-bulletins on important developments that merit members’ attention;
  • Twitter postings for the most topical items;
  • Insights – the Forum’s newsletter which is read widely by London’s decision makers;
  • this website with its mix of current and historical postings.

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Insights 20 front page