Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

The formal notice and agenda will be posted to member societies in early September.

Doors open at 6.00PM with drinks and nibbles available ahead of the formal meeting start at 6.30PM.


  1. Welcome and Introduction
  2. Minutes of the AGM of 12 October 2023 (DRAFT here)
  3. Chairman’s Report – Chairman Peter Eversden
  4. Financial Report – Treasurer Stephen Speak
  5. Approval of the Annual Report and Accounts for 2024 (DRAFT here)
  6. Appointment of the Independent Examiner
  7. Adoption of revised constitution (DRAFT here)*
  8. Election of Trustees and Officers
  9. Any Other Business

After the meeting we will hear from Jane Maggs of the Civic Trust and from our Patron, Professor Tony Travers of the LSE, who will talk about the political climate under the new government with reference to planning.

* The trustees are proposing revisions to the Constitution principally to allow the AGM notice to be emailed to members (instead of being posted).  Other suggested changes include updates to the language and working practices.  The current and proposed versions are on the website.

If you plan to attend the AGM please register using this form 

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Attendee 2 Name
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Oct 17 2024


18:00 - 21:00


The Gallery
Alan Baxter Cowcross, 77 Cowcross Street, London, EC1M 6EL
020 7250 1555


The London Forum
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