Consultation on planning system changes

Published On: 6th January 2023

The Government issued in December 2022 two linked consultations to 2nd March 2023 on changes to the planning system that will arise from the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Bill receiving Royal Assent in its final form, together with other changes which the consultation describes and regulations that the Secretary of State will produce.
There is a consultation included on a draft version of a new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which at this stage contains some of those changes but will be amended as more are confirmed.
One of the proposed planning changes is the introduction of National Development Management Policies (NDMP) which London Forum opposes due to the way in which they are proposed to be applied, effectively ‘trumping’ policies in Local Plans.
There is a blog on the consultations by Litchfields which London Forum members may find helpful. The Planning Magazine published an article by Richard Garlick which lists thirty-nine key proposed changes to the NPPF.
Councils are concerned about the need to replace all Supplementary Planning Documents with new versions, as here.

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