Historic England’s Tall Buildings Guidance
Historic England (HE) has published an updated Tall Buildings Advice Note intended as a useful guide for all those involved with the planning and design of tall buildings.
HE publishes monthly planning bulletins which can be seen here. They provide details on recent and forthcoming developments in the world of planning from a heritage perspective. Notification of new editions can be requested by contacting governmentadvice@HistoricEngland.org.uk
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Tall Building evidence
The London Assembly Planning and Regeneration Committee is investigating homes in London’s tall buildings and the impact of these buildings on the [more…]
Green spaces network
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English Heritage’s future
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Our Diary
Planning, Environment and Transport committee meeting
📅 10th April 2025 | 14:00 - 16:00
🚩 Room B1 70 Cowcross St, EC1M 6EJ (map)
The New London Plan: Shaping Housing for the Future
📆 23rd April 2025 | 17:30 - 19:45
🚩 77 Cowcross Street, EC1M 6EL (map)
Many communities in London are concerned about future development that could change that character of their much-loved areas, whether by the scale, density or height of new building. This event will leave us all much better informed about the shape of the next ten years. Free for London Forum members, but booking is essential ( https://www.londonforum.org.uk/events/the-new-london-plan-shaping-housing-for-the-future#booking ). Chair: Ben…