New London Plan from March 2021

Published On: 5th March 2021

The Mayor published the final version of the replacement London Plan, first seen in 2017, on 2nd March 2021. It provides the basis for revision of Local Plans with the introduction of design codes. The GLA web site has key points about the new London Plan with a link at the end to the full document.
Policies for Green Belt in the new London Plan and in the NPPF have been extracted, as here.
The GLA has issued amendments to the plan in light of changes by Government to the Use Class Order.
There is an interactive on-line Planning Data Map of London which can show any of the London Plan’s designated parts, such as Opportunity Areas, Metropolitan Open Land, etc.
Civic and community groups should examine Chapter 3 of the Plan and consider London Forum’s briefing on the ‘Homes for All Londoners’ draft guidance for developing small sites, as in the Plan Policy H2.
The GLA has published the guidance documents that have to be taken into account with the new London Plan. There will be consultation in summer 2021 on guidance for Air Quality Positive,  Fire Safety,  Transport Land,  Urban Greening Factor
The lawyer Simon Ricketts published a blog on the replacement London Plan and Litchfields has commented also on it.

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