Working to protect and improve the quality of life in London
Welcome to the London Forum
The London Forum represents the views and interests of over 100 amenity and civic societies in London and their members on issues that are important for those who live and work in London. The Forum’s main focus is on Planning, Development Management, Heritage, Transport, Environment, Waterways and Open Spaces.
London Forum Updates
Tall Building evidence
The London Assembly Planning and Regeneration Committee is investigating homes in London’s tall buildings and the impact of these buildings [more…]
Green spaces network
London Forum’s member societies are recommended to subscribe for updates by GoParksLondon and the London Friends of Green [more…]
English Heritage’s future
English Heritage has been reviewing its structure and has developed a series of proposals that will allow the charity [more…]
London Forum Insights
Insights is the London Forum’s digital newsletter emailed to subscribers 4-5 times each year. It typically carries news and updates relating to planning, transport, heritage matters and the civic movement across London with articles produced by officers of member societies and contributing experts. Click on the button for all issues.